Inspired by Ghada Amer

Barbie Loves Ken, Ken Loves Barbie, 1963

Ghada Amer's work inspired my Creative Art Making workshop that's coming up this Saturday at the  Brooklyn Museum. I was asked to pick a work of art in the museum's collection to base the project on and picked the piece below.  I was immediately drawn to how textural, and three dimensional her work is, even on a flat canvas. You want to touch it. You want to investigate it, to get closer and pull the threads (at least I do). It also flips your exceptions (love when that happens!). Amer's imagery is often, uh adult, lets say, which definitely is not the norm with embroidery. 

I'll be sharing more of her work, talking art & inspiration, and of course teaching some stitching at the workshop. Would love to make some art with you if you're in NY! You can reserve a spot here.

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