"All things move toward their end."

garnering inspiration for my piece in the upcoming Fiber Arctic show at Schmancy...

images from the series The Last Iceberg by Camille Seaman. These images, from the arctic and Antarctica, are "one piece of a larger project entitled "Melting Away" which documents the polar regions of our planet, their environments, life forms, history of human exploration and the communities that work and live there." Read more about the project

also these images by a Norwegian sailor, Oyvind Tangen...
its true! candy stripped icebergs, not the candy part, (the stripes are crystals)
but the images are "real".


  1. Wow...those are some beautiful/breathtaking images!

  2. my goodness, these are beautiful

  3. these are arresting and beautiful. I am feeling inspired(and speechless). thanks for posting these...

  4. Wow, I hope you do not mind that I reposted this, it is just such a wonderful find! Thanks for the inspiration.

    L :)


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