3 random things from the weekend...

1. Fall, please stay forever, and never let the winter come! Love the red, yellow, purple leaves I got to kick around....

2. Speaking of purple- I thought I had makeup under my eyes, but no. I guess purple under eyes is like my new thing, because it won't go away. Must sleep more says the girl who thinks, "It's midnight. I still have a few more hours to work."

3. Procrastination cleaning turned up some Orion embroidery patterns (!) that I stashed away and totally forgot I had been planning to introduce into the shop. Those we'll hit the shop asap, prolly tomorrow. Look out....

ok four things..... 4. Brunch is the best for Linner, or just ever. I think the only thing we ate yesterday was a late, late brunch ( and then a donut!) . Breakfast for dinner for ever!!!!

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