strange + strange

i've been having an all day long aphex twin marathon. i've heard this song so many times and suddenly there it was, charlie and the chocolate factory....

old school...

oh, how i'd love to add this to my collection of school desks. so good. wood is such a simple, beautiful material, especially old wood with it's knots, marks and colors...
said in a shy little voice, "wanna be my facebook fan?" it'd be ever so kind of you if you would. i'm trying to play with the big kids and be a pro crafty lady, hence a facebook for MR. you can check out the beginings of the page here.

thanks my people!!!

sunday summary

via inside/out, moma blog
+ bee keeping is now legal in nyc. i wanna be a bee farmer, funny suit and all. read about it here on the nytimes.

+ moma adds the "@" sign to their collection. their blog talked a bit about the how they've structured their collection. this is interesting too...
Our recent acquisition of the @ symbol has challenged what most people think of as a typical object that a Museum acquires.
+ i learned at the philosophy and the arts conference how we always fail (and thats the point) when trying to reconstruct memory.

+ lots of inspiration on this blog where i found the ps 22 choir. you need to hear them sing!

+ found and old (nasty) table on the street in front of the chelsea hotel. i scrubbed it for like an hour to remove the filth, but so worth it to now have a packaging station! before and after images to come....

TPD at the PAC. be there.

my good friend toni pepe is going to be giving a talk tomorrow at the Philosophy & the Arts Confrence at Stony Brook Manhattan. it's a free event so if you're in the nyc area put on your corduroy elbow patch blazer and stop on by. she'll be talking about her new work, The Gesture of Tradition and showing a few images and embroideries from this series. i'm so proud to be friends such a talented, intelligent lady... good luck tomorrow toni!
all images toni pepe
check out more of toni's work here.

wishes for sun & vintage inspired furniture....

the view from my living room

the light is changing here and my skin is itching anticipating the spring. still wearing my coat and tights (under my jeans), long socks and a giant scarf on the rare occasions i brake from my hermitage. winter ties me in knots, but soon, the sun (and some vitamin D)!

we desperately need to fix up our apartment. this peak into our space doesn't reveal our serious lack of organization. i was creepin on the craigslist and spotted these bookshelves and tables from vintage industrial furniture. i would LOVE, absolutely love these, any of them- all of them!! 

the meaning of tea...

morning. originally uploaded by Hannah: honey &jam.

tea plays an important role in my daily life. it is always a small joy throughout the day to sip some herbal tea or (soy) milky chai. of late its all cinnamon and chamomile. so tomorrow i'm off to see the meaning of tea at the asia society. they posed this interesting question on their site:
Are tea rituals still relevant in a modern world? What roles does tea play in your life?  what do you think? you can see the responses here.

my boy does a chinese style tea at home, which is really interesting to see done. this video is kinda long, but has so much good info on chinese tea delivered by arguably the cutest woman ever. she drops tea science...

perpetual melody maker

perpetual melody maker
Originally uploaded by lullatone

i saw lullatone when i lived in rochester. it was one of the sweetest, funnest, interactive shows i've been to. i fell in love with the couple behind the music. they live in japan and i creep on their flickr, because their life looks dreamy. seeing their "perpetual music maker" made me happy especially when the baby chimes in.

i want more music and happiness....
happy weekend everyone....

it worked, or the idea that happend....

some scenes from the studio yesterday. i'm working on some new paper goods that i'll introduce next week. i've been feeling stuck for awhile, so to have an idea become physical inspires me to keep going. i love it when things work out well, as they so often fall short of our expectations. so i'm happy stitching paper, lots and lots of paper. the best part is that these are scraps that i've been saving and hoping to find some use for other than recycling them....

art wall (part II)...

the art wall kitchen launched today and i'm proud to be part of the decor. so impressed with this project by katie stephenson, who is also runs save gocco too. these plus, two blogs and an etsy shop, paper day studio, whew!

3.10.10 katie interviewed me today! wanna know about the name Miniature Rhino, well i share that and some other nice things here...

dangle that carrot...

little things get me through the day, like a nice email from a friend that just happens to have an image of an alligator pulling a little cart. thank you mathyld! this image is from her tumblur, aurora borealis, which  is a wealth of inspiring and curious images. love it! please check it out....

the things we treasure....

here are some on my newest cabinets of curiosity. i've started to create themes for them based on their contents. the top most image is, Secret Society for all some little odd fellows pins. The red vial is "Letters From the Front" based on an imaginary WWI story. The bottom two are "Be Prepared" a boy scout themed cabinet is a medicine vial. so fun making these and creating stories for them....

more cabinet images in this flickr set

what do you collect?

a winner....



via LePetitGarage and my screen shot

i wish i could give you that giant ribbon, all of you. how great is that ridiculous ribbon!? thanks to everyone for saying hi and commenting it makes me happy.

i really do wish i could give everyone something thats just how i am. for example, during the olympics i'd get anxiety watching each athlete, because i'd want them to win. if it were my world they all would be on that podium crying and mouthing words to a bunch of different national anthems.

tara, i'll be sending out you book soon!

what do you think that dog's name is? it's gotta be something like Gunther....

sexy book photos

as promised... here are the new additions to the shop and up for grabs in my giveaway here.

at first i was thinking that "sexy book" was an oxymoron, but really it shouldn't be. really.