shop updates....

lots of new additions to the miniature rhino shop, which by the way has a new look.  find postcards, cards, books made for mailing and a whole bunch of miniature cabinets of curiosity.  i'm loving the new goods and all the pretty photographs....

DON"T FORGET- tonight is the craft night with me & Etsy at the south street seaport!


  1. Oh, I love all your stuff! Such pretty photos

  2. Oh love the crystals !
    I am also using gemstones as of late. They are the best !
    Remember that crappy shop in Paris, under le Louvres ?
    I miss you ...
    x x x

  3. your shop is filled with so much goodness
    and i love the photos

  4. thanks all!! you all have things i covet in your shops...

    mathyld- totally remember. i love gem shows too!


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