drumroll please...

drumroll please, originally uploaded by knottednest.

2 sales away from 700! that seems like a lot, no? imagine making 700 things: all that stitching, all those little strings to tie, papers to cut, boxes to make, notes to write, and all those little packages lined up ready to mail. 700 is good right now. here's to the next 700!

to celebrate i'm offering 15% off the shop till 8/31/2010. just use the code: renegade and i'll apply the discount via PayPal after your purchase. sorry, etsy doesn't have an automatic coupon system.

also, you can read my first Miniature Rhino Newsletter, which enjoyed making here

thanks to all who've supported my little shop with your hard earned dollars, or nice words, kind actions and simple blog comments!!!

ps. don't you want to beat your own mini paper drum now? ....

update: it's done! 700 high fives, errr sales. high fives sounds so much better, right?


  1. Beat your drum and toot your horn because that is one BIG accomplishment! I still can't part with your postcards I bought at Renegade LA but your sale may make me splurge on a few more :)

  2. Congratulations are in order, me dear !
    Yay !
    x x x


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