the anatomy of the NAIL!

on the train ride home today this girl was studying flash cards and one read "the anatomy of the Nail!" in bight blue. when i think of all there is out the, all the bits of information floating around the interweb, all the knowledge and just stuff i've no clue of, i get so overwhelmed. At work i sit across from a boy who writes code for websites and its kinda amazing to see it happening. its another language and its bizarre and impressive to see it happen.  i feel this way on the internet, which i blame for my every decreasing attention span, when i'm "surfing the web." i need information faster. i click here and there and suddenly theres this infinite amount of people and info and art and ebay and blogs and stuff and news and images and....barfffffff, i lose it. its so overwhelming and i always want more... quick click play...

1 comment:

  1. Heh. You know, when you were reading this post to me, I thought that you were saying "the anatomy of the Male!" Ooops.


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