sunday summary

via inside/out, moma blog
+ bee keeping is now legal in nyc. i wanna be a bee farmer, funny suit and all. read about it here on the nytimes.

+ moma adds the "@" sign to their collection. their blog talked a bit about the how they've structured their collection. this is interesting too...
Our recent acquisition of the @ symbol has challenged what most people think of as a typical object that a Museum acquires.
+ i learned at the philosophy and the arts conference how we always fail (and thats the point) when trying to reconstruct memory.

+ lots of inspiration on this blog where i found the ps 22 choir. you need to hear them sing!

+ found and old (nasty) table on the street in front of the chelsea hotel. i scrubbed it for like an hour to remove the filth, but so worth it to now have a packaging station! before and after images to come....


  1. bee keeping was illegal in nyc?! well hurray that now you can beekeep to your heart's content!

  2. Can't wait to see your table. How awesome!

  3. yes! bees- if only i could be a bee keeper.

    anabela- yes, this week. i just gotta clean my space so it's ok to share with the world. thanks!


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