weekend work...

something satisfying about in progress images. usually its only the finished thing people see, no mention of time and real concerns. i've been stopping more to take photographs of the in between, the process and really enjoy it...

here is the bug hogging the work table while i make a book and the last image is a finished piece i sent out on saturday that i really like making. its a surprise gift so just in case i will save all the telling details and just share this sneak peek...


  1. that's a familiar sight! they always need to be right on top of your workspace to get the best nap it seems. i love seeing pictures of the in-between. that's where all the magic is and i like to see how and where people work. love your stuff!

  2. dude congrats on being on the urban outfitters blog! that's awesome!!

  3. alice! thanks so much for sharing this! i might not have seen it...it made my night! thanks!!

  4. Aw, kitty! I love in-progress shots too! I have found that once I put them on my blog on or Flickr, though, that it's the kiss of death! I'm usually so happy with the in-progress pictures that I don't go back to finish the thing. Sigh. Work habits!

  5. OH! Your kitty is so cute! That is how work gets done around my place too - subject to the lazy whims of sirKitty.


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